Civilization V Customisation Wiki

The Lanfang Republic led by Luo Fangbo is a custom civilization by PorkBean, with contributions from TPangolin, DarthKyofu, RawSasquatch and others.

This mod requires Brave New World.


Lanfang Republic[]

The Lanfang Republic was established in 1777 in West Kalimantan, Borneo. It was one of the earliest modern republics in the world, predating the declaration of the United States as a republic by almost a decade. Lanfang was a self-governing mining company or "kongsi" federation established by Chinese workers, mostly Hakka, that emigrated to the region during the 18th and 19th centuries. Mining communities would elect representatives to the central governing body, which would elect a president and consult the citizens on matters of state. The republic prospered until the weakening of the mainland Qing dynasty, leading to the eventual Dutch conquest of Lanfang in the late 19th century.

Luo Fangbo[]

Luo Fangbo, also known as Low Fan Pak or Low Lan Fang, was the founding father and inaugaral president of the Lanfang Republic. He, like many of his citizens, was a Hakka Chinese that set out to Borneo seeking wealth and mining opportunities. In 1777 he founded the republic in order to resist Dutch incursions into the region, and established several democratic systems including executive, judicial and legislative bodies. During his tenure, he led the citizens to improve farming techniques, expanded the mining of precious minerals, established schools and organized military training. Luo led the republic until his death in 1795.

Dawn of Man[]

Salutations, President Luo Fangbo, pioneer of Asian democracy and leader of the Lanfang Republic! Your realm is one of the first such in Asia, founded as a Chinese mining company in Borneo towards the end of the 18th century. Your industrious people enjoyed autonomy from the local sultanates, and implemented a distinct system of democracy independent of those in Europe. The miners of the Lanfang kongsi enjoyed suffrage, elections, majority decision making and other such innovations for over a hundred years, until eventually being snuffed out by the winds of Dutch colonialism.

Scene Luo

Leaderscene by PorkBean

Chosen leader, you have been once again nominated to lead the Lanfang Republic to renewed greatness! Can you strike the earth, extract its valuables, and build a better life for your people? Can you withstand the tides of autocracy that threaten to extinguish your light of freedom? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?

Introduction: I am Luo Fangbo, custodian of the Lanfang kongsi. What brings you to our federation?

Introduction: Welcome, traveler. I am President Luo. The land of Lanfang is open to those who value knowledge and hard work.

Defeat: Lanfang may be lost, but our efforts will not be forgotten.

Unique Attributes[]

Lanfang (Luo Fangbo)
Luo Icon

Art by PorkBean

Kongsi Federation

May construct Mines on flat, resource-less terrain without removing Forest or Jungle. When a City works four Mines for the first time, the next available Social Policy Branch is adopted.

Lansaai Icon

Art by RawSasquatch

Lansaai (Scout)
  • Higher Strength Combat Strength (7 vs 6)
  • Double Moves Movement in rough terrain
  • Discovers GoldRes Icon Gold when defeating enemies in neutral territory, clearing Encampments, or clearing Ancient Ruins
  • Heals fully on defeating an enemy Unit
  • Upgrades to Swordsman from Ancient Ruins
Zongting Icon

Art by PorkBean

Zongting (Mint)
  • Unlocked at Iron Working
  • +1 Production Production on GoldRes Icon Gold Resources for every 2 Social Policy Branches adopted
  • City must have a source of GoldRes Icon Gold
City List
  1. Dongwanlu
  2. Mao'en
  3. Minghuang
  4. Senaman
  5. Kunri
  6. Longgang
  7. Liufentou
  8. Shanzhudaya
  9. Gaoping
  10. Bakuwan
  11. Kwala Sepata
  12. Pamangkat
  13. Sepang
  14. Lumar
  15. Sebawi
  16. Lara
  17. Sebalau
  18. Ledo
  19. Landuo
  20. Peniti
Spy List
  • Wubo
  • Sibo
  • Chabo
  • Taiji
  • Guifang
  • Tenghui
  • Ganxing
  • Asheng
  • Liang
  • Goenang


Lanfang Icon

Lanfang is not a Gold Gold civ, but at the same time is very much a GoldRes Icon Gold civ. From the start of the game your Unique Unit becomes available - the Lansaai, a replacement for the Scout. With a handful of Lansaai trained, start producing Settlers. Lansaai have extremely high mobility in Forest, Jungle and Hills, so use them to scout for Ancient Ruins and Barbarians close to your Capital. Clearing Ruins, Encampments, or defeating enemy units will boost the Settlers being produced in your cities, and also spawn a Gold resource on the tile. The Lansaai heals full when it defeats a unit, so don't be afraid to use it opportunistically to snipe weakened enemies and reveal Gold. Stay close to the bottom of the technology tree and head to Bronze Working, as the Lansaai has a chance to upgrade to a Swordsman from Ancient Ruins and thus will need access to Iron to be rid of its 50% strategic resource penalty.

With your boosted Settlers, head out to the Gold resources discovered by your Lansaai and begin building Mines around your new cities. The Lanfang Unique Ability, Kongsi Federation, allows Mines to be built on flat terrain and, as long as there is no Resource present, without removing Forest and Jungle - meaning that those features are able to continue providing Food, Production, and other resources alongside the yield of the Mines. Don't cut down trees to rush your Settler production, as you can always use Lansaai in combat to boost them instead.

Once a city is surrounded by four Mines and works them all for the first time, the second clause of Kongsi Federation will adopt the next available Social Policy Branch for free. Many Social Policy Branches give a powerful bonus just upon being adopted, so there are a few options for playing with this ability. You can play as normal, focusing on a main Policy branch, and enjoying the bonuses that are automatically adopted by the UA, or you can use your own Policy unlocks to try to reach a powerful branch like Rationalism before it would normally become available. Alternatively, you could unlock an early Policy branch with a powerful ability (such as Honor and its Culture yields from killing Barbarians) and let your first City freely unlock Tradition from Mines.

Each adopted Policy tree increases the strength of Lanfang's Unique Building: the Zongting. This Mint replacement provides all the same benefits as the base building, with the caveat that it must be built in a city with access to Gold (Silver alone is not enough). The Zongting provides +1 Production for Gold resources, multiplied by every two Policy trees you have unlocked. This means once you have unlocked all Social Policy trees and adopted an Ideology, a single Gold resource will be given +5 Production from the Zongting on top of the normal production yields gained from Hills, Forests, Mines, and any other stackable bonuses. The Zongting unlocks during the Classical Era, like the Mint; but instead of Currency it becomes available at Iron Working, so be sure to stick to the lower end of the tech tree to quickly gain access to this powerful unique. By carefully following the process from scouting out Gold with Lansaai, to building Mines and unlocking Policies, to boosting Gold with the Zongting, Lanfang can be turned into an incredibly expansive Production powerhouse capable of achieving any victory type.


Peace Theme War Theme

The Peasant's Lullaby (Total War Three Kingdoms Soundtrack)


Heaven And Earth (Total War Three Kingdoms Soundtrack)

"The Peasant's Lullaby" by Richard Beddow for the soundtrack of Total War: Three Kingdoms "Heaven and Earth" by Richard Beddow for the soundtrack of Total War: Three Kingdoms

Mod Support[]

Mod Support
Community Balance Patch
Ethnic Units
Map Labels
Unique Cultural Influence

Full Credits List[]

Steam Workshop
Latest Version: v 2
Last Updated: 20 August 2024

  • PorkBean: Author, Lua & SQL
  • TPangolin: Map
  • DarthKyofu: Civ Icon
  • RawSasquatch: UU Icon

Notes and References[]

PorkBean's Rebellions and Failed States [edit]
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EzoFormosaHeavenly KingdomIonian IslandsLanfangLibertatiaMuskogeeNegrosPalmaresRifSonora
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See also: Ambition